We Equip People With the Tools, Training & Network Needed to Build Awesome Real Estate Photography Businesses 🚀

Join our community of photographers and learn how to build a business shooting real estate photos, videos, and 3d tours. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with an established business, we'd love to help you work towards your goals in this awesome industry!

We Equip People With the Tools, Training & Network Needed to Build Awesome Real Estate Photography Businesses 🚀

Join our community of photographers and learn how to build a business shooting real estate photos, videos, and 3d tours. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with an established business, we'd love to help you work towards your goals in this awesome industry!

Here's How We Can Help YOU Build An Awesome Real Estate Media Business!👇

Whether you're new to photography, an experienced photographer who has never shot real estate, or an established real estate photographer our goal is to help you crush it in this awesome niche within the photography industry!

Step 1: Watch Our Free Real Estate

Photography Workshop

Want to become a real estate photographer, but not sure where to start? We've got you covered! We do things a little differently around here and we're excited to show you how. That's why we're offering a free 40-minute workshop with Eli, the owner of Norman & Young Real Estate Media! Eli will walk you through how to get started in real estate photography. You'll learn everything from setting up your gear to capturing stunning shots of properties - and most importantly the way we recommend getting clients!

Step 2: Apply to Get Personal Coaching From Eli & Our Team

Ready to start a real estate photography business? We'd love to help you shortcut that process and avoid mistakes by coaching you through the process and giving you the training needed to avoid many beginner mistakes! From camera gear and shooting techniques to editing, software, and business principles, we teach people what we've learned when it comes to building an awesome real estate photography business! Book a call with our team today and let us help you take your business to the next level... or if you are just starting, let us help you get this thing off the ground!

Here's How We Can Help YOU Build A Successful Real Estate Media Business!👇

Whether you're new to photography, an experienced photographer who has never shot real estate, or an established real estate photographer our goal is to help you crush it in this awesome niche within the photography industry!

Step 1: Watch Our Free Real Estate

Photography Workshop

Want to become a real estate photographer, but not sure where to start? We've got you covered! We do things a little differently around here and we're excited to show you how.

That's why we're offering a free 40-minute workshop with Eli, the owner of Norman & Young Real Estate Media!

Eli will walk you through how to get started in real estate photography. You'll learn everything from setting up your gear to capturing stunning shots of properties - and most importantly the way we recommend getting clients!

Step 2: Apply to Get Personal Coaching From Eli & Our Team

Ready to start a real estate photography business? We'd love to help you shortcut that process and avoid mistakes by coaching you through the process and giving you the training needed to avoid many beginner mistakes!

From camera gear and shooting techniques to editing, software, and business principles, we teach people what we've learned when it comes to building an awesome real estate photography business!

Book a call with our team

today and let us help you take your business to the next level... or if you are just starting, let us help you get this thing off the ground!

Here's What Our 5,000+ Members Say!

We'd rather you not take our word for it, but instead hear it from some of the people we have helped since we launched in 2019! Building a business takes being willing to put in the work, take risk, and bet on yourself, and while results are never guaranteed and depend on many factors, we like working with the type of people who give it a try anyway! Of course, results can and will vary, and are dependent on many different factors! All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results depicted are not typical and are not guaranteed. Success is highly dependent on individual effort, dedication, skills, and market conditions. The examples shown are intended to illustrate what some clients have achieved; your own results may vary based on these factors!

"Eli and his REPP course has been invaluable to me and my new business startup this past year. He has created a beautiful community of RE photographers that daily encourage, inquire and challenge each other. He and his team lead weekly Q&A sessions that are incredibly helpful and they are always available to answer questions and respond in a very timely manner. I was honestly on the fence for a while, but when I finally pulled the trigger back in the fall, this course opened up my world. I am very grateful for this team and the community they have pulled together!"

Kingsley Bryant

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

"Taking Eli’s course was the best decision I could have made. I wouldn’t have started my business without this course. This isn’t your typical course where you watch videos and that’s it. It is way beyond that! Eli and is team are always willing to answer an questions you might have. They also have weekly live Q&A sessions and photo critiques. The private Facebook group is great as well. Thousands of people with different experience levels all willing to share ideas and help you succeed. Do yourself a favor and buy this course."

David Masterson

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

"I really love the way Eli explains real estate photography. I knew nothing about it and after taking his real estate photography pro course, I am doing it and making money. He starts in the beginning by giving step-by-step instructions on how to do everything. My favorite part is that him and his staff really care and have answered all of my questions I’ve ever emailed in and have gone above and beyond to help me. I highly recommend his course for people who are interested in real estate photography, even if you know nothing about it."

Shira Lani Peters

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

Read over 100 more reviews!

Here is the link to our full reviews page where you can read over 100 more reviews from REPP members! https://www.reppteam.com/reviews

Here's What Our 5,000+ Members Say!

We'd rather you not take our word for it, but instead hear it from some of the people we have helped since we launched in 2019! Buil10ding a business takes being willing to put in the work, take risk, and bet on yourself, and while results are never guaranteed and depend on many factors, we like working with the type of people who give it a try anyway! Of course, results can and will vary, and are dependent on many different factors! All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results depicted are not typical and are not guaranteed. Success is highly dependent on individual effort, dedication, skills, and market conditions. The examples shown are intended to illustrate what some clients have achieved; your own results may vary based on these factors!

"Eli and his REPP course has been invaluable to me and my new business startup this past year. He has created a beautiful community of RE photographers that daily encourage, inquire and challenge each other. He and his team lead weekly Q&A sessions that are incredibly helpful and they are always available to answer questions and respond in a very timely manner. I was honestly on the fence for a while, but when I finally pulled the trigger back in the fall, this course opened up my world. I am very grateful for this team and the community they have pulled together!"

Kingsley Bryant

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

"Taking Eli’s course was the best decision I could have made. I wouldn’t have started my business without this course. This isn’t your typical course where you watch videos and that’s it. It is way beyond that! Eli and is team are always willing to answer an questions you might have. They also have weekly live Q&A sessions and photo critiques. The private Facebook group is great as well. Thousands of people with different experience levels all willing to share ideas and help you succeed. Do yourself a favor and buy this course."

David Masterson

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

"I really love the way Eli explains real estate photography. I knew nothing about it and after taking his real estate photography pro course, I am doing it and making money. He starts in the beginning by giving step-by-step instructions on how to do everything. My favorite part is that him and his staff really care and have answered all of my questions I’ve ever emailed in and have gone above and beyond to help me. I highly recommend his course for people who are interested in real estate photography, even if you know nothing about it."

Shira Lani Peters

Real Estate Photographer Pro Member

Read over 100 more reviews!

Here is the link to our full reviews page where you can read over 100 more reviews from REPP members! https://www.reppteam.com/reviews

Have A Question?

Send us a question below, or email us directly at hello@repplaunch.com, and we will respond ASAP... like crazy fast!

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© 2024 Real Estate Photographer Pro

Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy.

Real Estate Photographer Pro, LLC is a photography education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make business decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track by self submitted reporting and by voluntary surveys. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty.

The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interest and ownership with the Company.